Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Walk too far

           I was doing a little reading this morning and came across a story that motivated me to make another goal. I have heard from a few people that walking to the Temple is too far or walking to the University is way too far.
        Those opinions combined with the idea to increase my speed so it takes me less time to walk the same distance I am going to walk to these destinations that have been dubbed "too far".
        That being said. I have made a small list and would love some continued suggestions. Everyone needs something to motivate them and challenge them to achieve and this already has me wanting to put my walking shoes on and get out there! :)

1- The temple
2- Utah State University
3- My friend Chuck's house
4- Macey's
5- Casper's Ice Cream
6- Pepperidge Farm

                                  Essentials for Operation "Walk too far"

I hope to post photos of this adventure along the way.

Monday, June 11, 2012

It works for me

I decided I need to exercise much more than I do currently. This happened about 2 weeks ago. On this day I stumbled upon a webpage article suggesting one way to lose weight was walk 5 extra miles a day. I liked this idea because it gave me a goal I could set for myself everyday that I didn't loathe even when I was tired. So I found a destination for myself that totaled 5 miles somewhere in town and I went to work. From that day until today I have walked on average 6 miles a day in addition to whatever exercise I do and can I tell you how good it feels!
The reason I mention this event in my life at all is because it was something that worked for me. I find doing jumping jacks during the commercial breaks of my favorite tv show or jogging in place while waiting for my soup to heat up on the stove were silly and unrealistic for me. I had to find something I could stick with and I did. On the days I don't go to the gym, dance, bike ride, or whatever I decide to do I get my 5+ miles in and it motivates me to make good choices throughout my day.
Find something that works for you. I promise that if you do you will never look back regretfully.